Advanced Usage#

This converter tool allows for advanced configuration options during conversion. You can enable the usage of the CMSIS for ARM based controller to accelerate the inference of your model. Also, this convert tool can quantize your model to Q7 .

Quantization of your FFNN#

With this converter you can quantize your model to Q7. This converts the floating point precision FFNN to a fixed point precision with 8 bit resolution. This reduces the storage size of your model and can improve the performance of FFNNs on microcontrollers without Floating Point Unit (e.g. Arduino Uno). For more details about the quantization used in AIfES see Q7 documentation.

To convert your model the convert needs a representative data set of the input data. Make sure, that the range of all inputs is representable with 8 bits of resolution. You will receive an error if this is not possible. To prevent this you can scale your inputs to zero mean and unit variance. Ensure that your representative data set contains the highest and lowest expected values for your inputs, so that the neural net is capable of representing those values as well. This helps to avoid saturation of your inputs and therefore maybe false results. In the following we will show some examples.

See the documentation for AIfES Express and AIfES for detailed description of the available configuration parameters. In the following table are some common configurations for the Arduino Boards (respectively their microcontrollers):

Board / Microcontroller



Arduino Uno (AVR ATmega328P)

2 (16 Bit), Storage organized as 16 Bit


Arduino Mega (AVR ATmega2560)

2 (16 Bit), Storage organized as 16 Bit


Arduino Micro (AVR ATmega32U4)

2 (16 Bit), Storage organized as 16 Bit


Arduino Nano 33 BLE / Sense (nRF52840, ARM Cortex-M4)

4 (32 Bit), Storage organized as 32 Bit



The following examples show how to convert your model. For this you need to load or setup your Keras or PyTorch model as described in the Usage section.

from aifes import keras2aifes

representative_dataset = np.array([[0, 0],
                                   [0, 1],
                                   [1, 0],
                                   [1, 1]])

# Example for 32 bit storage alignment (4 Byte) and little endian representation
keras2aifes.convert_to_fnn_q7_express(model, 'path/to/location/keras/output', representative_data=representative_dataset, target_alignment=4, byteorder="little")
from aifes import keras2aifes

representative_dataset = np.array([[0, 0],
                                   [0, 1],
                                   [1, 0],
                                   [1, 1]])

# Example for 32 bit storage alignment (4 Byte) and little endian representation
keras2aifes.convert_to_fnn_q7(model, 'path/to/location/keras/output', representative_data=representative_dataset, target_alignment=4, byteorder="little")
from aifes import pytorch2aifes

representative_dataset = np.array([[0, 0],
                                   [0, 1],
                                   [1, 0],
                                   [1, 1]])

# Example for 32 bit storage alignment (4 Byte) and little endian representation
pytorch2aifes.convert_to_fnn_q7_express(model, 'path/to/location/pytorch/output', representative_data=representative_dataset, target_alignment=4, byteorder="little")
from aifes import pytorch2aifes

representative_dataset = np.array([[0, 0],
                                   [0, 1],
                                   [1, 0],
                                   [1, 1]])

# Example for 32 bit storage alignment (4 Byte) and little endian representation
pytorch2aifes.convert_to_fnn_q7(model, 'path/to/location/pytorch/output', representative_data=representative_dataset, target_alignment=4, byteorder="little")

Use CMSIS for ARM-based microcontrollers#

To use CMSIS in your model you can use the intended converter functions (for Float see CMSIS F32 and for Q7 see CMSIS Q7). To be able to use these functions you need to have CMSIS available in your IDE. For the Arduino IDE follow the instructions on our GitHub Repository. For other IDEs follow the instructions of your IDE.

from aifes import keras2aifes

# Example for F32, also as Q7 possible
keras2aifes.convert_to_fnn_f32_cmsis(model, 'path/to/location/keras/output')
from aifes import pytorch2aifes

# Example for F32, also as Q7 possible
pytorch2aifes.convert_to_fnn_f32_cmsis(model, 'path/to/location/pytorch/output')