AIfES 2  2.0.0
ailayer_template Struct Reference

Template for general AIfES layers. More...

#include <ailayer_template.h>

Data Fields

ailayer_t base
 Inherited field members from general ailayer struct.
uint32_t example_configuration
uint16_t result_shape [2]
 Inference result tensor shape (n x m matrix).
aitensor_ttrainable_params [2]
 Pointer to the weights and biases (which are the trainable parameters).
aitensor_tgradients [2]
 Gradients structure for the back propagation algorithm.
void * optimem [2]
 Memory field used by the trainings optimizer.
void(* copy_tensor )(const aitensor_t *from, aitensor_t *to)
 Function pointer to the used tensor copy function.
void(* tensor_add )(const aitensor_t *a, const aitensor_t *b, aitensor_t *result)
 Function pointer to the used tensor addition.

Detailed Description

Template for general AIfES layers.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: