![]() |
Caicore_layertype | Type indicator of the layer |
Caicore_losstype | Type indicator of the loss to check for the loss type |
Caicore_optitype | Type indicator of the optimizer to check for the optimizer type |
CAIFES_E_init_weights_parameter_fnn_f32 | Parameters for weight initialization |
CAIFES_E_model_parameter_fnn_f32 | Parameters for the FNN model |
CAIFES_E_training_parameter_fnn_f32 | Parameters for Training |
Cailayer | AIfES layer interface |
Cailayer_batch_norm | General Batch Normalization layer structure |
Cailayer_batch_norm_f32 | Data-type specific Batch Normalization layer struct for F32 |
Cailayer_conv2d | General Conv2D layer structure |
Cailayer_dense | General Dense layer structure |
Cailayer_elu | General ELU layer struct |
Cailayer_elu_f32 | Data-type specific ELU layer struct for F32 |
Cailayer_elu_q31 | Data-type specific ELU layer struct for Q31 |
Cailayer_elu_q7 | Data-type specific ELU layer struct for Q7 |
Cailayer_flatten | Structure of the Flatten layer, based on the reshape layer |
Cailayer_input | General Input layer structure |
Cailayer_leaky_relu | General Leaky ReLU layer struct |
Cailayer_leaky_relu_f32 | Data-type specific Leaky ReLU layer struct for F32 |
Cailayer_leaky_relu_q31 | Data-type specific Leaky ReLU layer struct for Q31 |
Cailayer_leaky_relu_q7 | Data-type specific Leaky ReLU layer struct for Q7 |
Cailayer_maxpool2d | General layer structure |
Cailayer_relu | General ReLU layer struct |
Cailayer_reshape | General layer structure |
Cailayer_sigmoid | General Sigmoid layer struct |
Cailayer_softmax | General Softmax layer struct |
Cailayer_softsign | General Softsign layer struct |
Cailayer_tanh | General Tanh layer struct |
Cailayer_template | Template for general AIfES layers |
Cailoss | AIfES loss interface |
Cailoss_crossentropy | General Cross-Entropy loss struct |
Cailoss_mse | General Mean Squared Error (MSE) loss struct |
Caimath_dtype | Indicator for the used datatype |
Caimath_q31_params | Parameters used for the quantized Q31 values, used as property of a tensor |
Caimath_q7_params | Parameters used for the quantized Q7 values, used as property of a tensor |
Caimodel | AIfES artificial neural network model |
Caiopti | AIfES optimizer interface |
Caiopti_adam | General Adam optimizer struct |
Caiopti_adam_f32 | Data-type specific Adam optimizer struct for F32 |
Caiopti_adam_momentums | Struct for the momentum tensors of an Adam optimizer |
Caiopti_sgd | General Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimizer struct |
Caiopti_sgd_f32 | Data-type specific SGD optimizer struct for F32 |
Caiopti_sgd_q31 | Data-type specific SGD optimizer struct for Q31 |
Caiscalar_q31 | Single quantized Q31 value/scalar |
Caiscalar_q7 | Single quantized Q7 value/scalar |
Caitensor | A tensor in AIfES |