AIfES 2  2.0.0
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Caicore_layertypeType indicator of the layer
 Caicore_losstypeType indicator of the loss to check for the loss type
 Caicore_optitypeType indicator of the optimizer to check for the optimizer type
 CAIFES_E_init_weights_parameter_fnn_f32Parameters for weight initialization
 CAIFES_E_model_parameter_fnn_f32Parameters for the FNN model
 CAIFES_E_training_parameter_fnn_f32Parameters for Training
 CailayerAIfES layer interface
 Cailayer_batch_normGeneral Batch Normalization layer structure
 Cailayer_batch_norm_f32Data-type specific Batch Normalization layer struct for F32
 Cailayer_conv2dGeneral Conv2D layer structure
 Cailayer_denseGeneral Dense layer structure
 Cailayer_eluGeneral ELU layer struct
 Cailayer_elu_f32Data-type specific ELU layer struct for F32
 Cailayer_elu_q31Data-type specific ELU layer struct for Q31
 Cailayer_elu_q7Data-type specific ELU layer struct for Q7
 Cailayer_flattenStructure of the Flatten layer, based on the reshape layer
 Cailayer_inputGeneral Input layer structure
 Cailayer_leaky_reluGeneral Leaky ReLU layer struct
 Cailayer_leaky_relu_f32Data-type specific Leaky ReLU layer struct for F32
 Cailayer_leaky_relu_q31Data-type specific Leaky ReLU layer struct for Q31
 Cailayer_leaky_relu_q7Data-type specific Leaky ReLU layer struct for Q7
 Cailayer_maxpool2dGeneral layer structure
 Cailayer_reluGeneral ReLU layer struct
 Cailayer_reshapeGeneral layer structure
 Cailayer_sigmoidGeneral Sigmoid layer struct
 Cailayer_softmaxGeneral Softmax layer struct
 Cailayer_softsignGeneral Softsign layer struct
 Cailayer_tanhGeneral Tanh layer struct
 Cailayer_templateTemplate for general AIfES layers
 CailossAIfES loss interface
 Cailoss_crossentropyGeneral Cross-Entropy loss struct
 Cailoss_mseGeneral Mean Squared Error (MSE) loss struct
 Caimath_dtypeIndicator for the used datatype
 Caimath_q31_paramsParameters used for the quantized Q31 values, used as property of a tensor
 Caimath_q7_paramsParameters used for the quantized Q7 values, used as property of a tensor
 CaimodelAIfES artificial neural network model
 CaioptiAIfES optimizer interface
 Caiopti_adamGeneral Adam optimizer struct
 Caiopti_adam_f32Data-type specific Adam optimizer struct for F32
 Caiopti_adam_momentumsStruct for the momentum tensors of an Adam optimizer
 Caiopti_sgdGeneral Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimizer struct
 Caiopti_sgd_f32Data-type specific SGD optimizer struct for F32
 Caiopti_sgd_q31Data-type specific SGD optimizer struct for Q31
 Caiscalar_q31Single quantized Q31 value/scalar
 Caiscalar_q7Single quantized Q7 value/scalar
 CaitensorA tensor in AIfES