AIfES 2  2.0.0
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 aialgo_sequential_inference.hFunctions required for inference of models
 aialgo_sequential_training.hFunctions required for the training of models
 aifes_basic.hInclude all headers of the AIfES 2 basic module
 aifes_basic_avr_pgm.hInclude all headers of the AIfES 2 basic module with AVR PGM implementations
 aifes_basic_cmsis.hInclude all headers of the AIfES 2 basic module with ARM CMSIS implementations
 aifes_cnn.hInclude all headers of the aifes 2 - cnn module
 aifes_core.hAIfES 2 core interface
 aifes_express_f32_fnn.hAIfES Express functions for weights with F32 (float32) data type
 aifes_express_q7_fnn.hAIfES Express functions for weights with Q7 (int8) data type
 aifes_math.hAIfES 2 math interface
 ailayer_batch_normalization.hBase layer implementation of the Batch Normalization layer
 ailayer_batch_normalization_default.hDefault implementation of the Batch Normalization layer
 ailayer_conv2d.hBase layer implementation of the Conv2D layer
 ailayer_conv2d_default.hDefault implementation of the Conv2D layer
 ailayer_dense.hBase layer implementation of the Dense layer
 ailayer_dense_avr_pgm.hImplementation of the Dense layer with parameters in PROGMEM for AVR contoller
 ailayer_dense_cmsis.hArm CMSIS implementation of the Dense layer for Arm Cortex processors
 ailayer_dense_default.hDefault implementation of the Dense layer
 ailayer_elu.hBase layer implementation of the ELU activation layer
 ailayer_elu_avr_pgm.hAVR PGM implementation of the ELU layer
 ailayer_elu_default.hDefault implementation of the ELU layer
 ailayer_input.hBase layer implementation of the Input layer
 ailayer_input_default.hDefault implementation of the Input layer
 ailayer_leaky_relu.hBase layer implementation of the Leaky ReLU activation layer
 ailayer_leaky_relu_avr_pgm.hAVR PGM implementation of the Leaky ReLU layer
 ailayer_leaky_relu_default.hDefault implementation of the Leaky ReLU layer
 ailayer_maxpool2d.hBase layer implementation of the MaxPool2D layer
 ailayer_maxpool2d_default.hDefault implementation of the MaxPool2D layer
 ailayer_relu.hBase layer implementation of the ReLU activation layer
 ailayer_relu_avr_pgm.hAVR PGM implementation of the ReLU layer
 ailayer_relu_default.hDefault implementation of the ReLU layer
 ailayer_reshape.hBase layer implementation of the Reshape layer
 ailayer_reshape_default.hDefault implementation of the Reshape layer
 ailayer_sigmoid.hBase layer implementation of the Sigmoid activation layer
 ailayer_sigmoid_avr_pgm.hAVR PGM implementation of the Sigmoid layer
 ailayer_sigmoid_default.hDefault implementation of the Sigmoid layer
 ailayer_softmax.hBase layer implementation of the Softmax activation layer
 ailayer_softmax_avr_pgm.hAVR PGM implementation of the Softmax layer
 ailayer_softmax_default.hDefault implementation of the Softmax layer
 ailayer_softsign.hBase layer implementation of the Softsign activation layer
 ailayer_softsign_avr_pgm.hAVR PGM implementation of the Softsign layer
 ailayer_softsign_default.hDefault implementation of the Softsign layer
 ailayer_tanh.hBase layer implementation of the Tanh activation layer
 ailayer_tanh_avr_pgm.hAVR PGM implementation of the Tanh layer
 ailayer_tanh_default.hDefault implementation of the Tanh layer
 ailayer_template.h[DEPRECATED] This file acts as a reference for new layer structures. Some of the shown functions are mandatory, some are optional
 ailoss_crossentropy.hBase loss implementation of the Cross-Entropy loss
 ailoss_crossentropy_default.hDefault implementation of the Cross-Entropy loss
 ailoss_mse.hBase loss implementation of the Mean Squared Error (MSE) loss
 ailoss_mse_default.hDefault implementation of the Mean Squared Error loss
 aimath_basic.hBasic data-type independent math operations
 aimath_cnn_f32_default.hMath functions for F32 data type, CNN-specific implementation
 aimath_f32.hDefinition of the F32 (aif32) data-type
 aimath_f32_avr_pgm.hMath functions for F32 data type using AVR pgmspace.h library for constant data storage
 aimath_f32_default.hMath functions for F32 data type, default implementation
 aimath_q31.hDefinition of the Q31 (aiq31) data-type
 aimath_q31_default.hMath functions for Q31 data type, default implementation
 aimath_q7.hDefinition of the Q7 (aiq7) data-type
 aimath_q7_avr_pgm.hMath functions for Q7 data type using AVR pgmspace.h library for constant data storage
 aimath_q7_default.hMath functions for Q7 data type, default implementation
 aimath_u8.hDefinition of the U8 (aiu8) data-type
 aiopti_adam.hBase optimizer implementation of the Adam optimizer
 aiopti_adam_default.hDefault implementation of the Adam optimizer
 aiopti_sgd.hBase optimizer implementation of the Stochastic Gradient Descent (with momentum) optimizer
 aiopti_sgd_default.hDefault implementation of the Stochastic Gradient Descend optimizer